Wednesday, October 5, 2011

50-50 Split and Secret Meetings

We were SO close! After another combined 10 hours of labor negotiations between Monday and Tuesday, a deal was almost struck. According to the owners, they were willing to accept a deal that would split the Basketball Related Income 50-50 with the players. We've done IT! Not so fast. As David Stern and assistant commissioner Adam Silver were convincing the owners to accept such a deal, Derek Fisher and the NBAPA interrupted with the news that they would not accept such a deal. WHAT! Just as it seemed that the start season would be saved.....
Other news furthering the speculation of time being missed, a group of 7 NBA agents are meeting today to discuss their role in the labor negotiations. Topics to be discussed at this secret agent meeting, not a meeting of secret agents, are: desertification of the players, and the future of NBAPA president Billy Hunter.

Stay tuned for more information...

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